We Believe

Education and health are the two driving forces of any society. But often too many people don’t have access to timely and accurate information to make critical decisions that could bring a change in their lives for the better. We cannot solve the challenges of our time unless we empower people with timely information that is relevant to their lives. We are looking forward to building partnerships that bring together the best resources, skills, expertise and vision—to drive change.

-Syed Nazakat, Founder, DataLEADS Foundation

Our Vision

Our vision is to unlock human potential, particularly for those in disadvantaged positions. We’re inspired by passion for striving for the well-being of people and we believe that timely and accurate information can empower societies to achieve their full potential.

At DataLEADS Foundation, our focus will be on providing the youth with access to information and skills in health and education. Our work in the field of health is aimed at saving lives and helping families and communities thrive, with access to both physical and mental well being. Our initiative on education is aimed to ensure that individuals have information and knowledge that they need to achieve the promise in their lives.

By enabling access to accurate and timely information, we aim to contribute to reducing social inequality, thereby promoting human development. By 2026, we aim to set-up 718 e-Hubs, approximately one e-Hub in every district of India. The e-Hubs will function as a window to information pertaining to economic opportunities, civic engagement, education and health.

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Who we are

DataLEADS Foundation is a not-for-profit organization based in India, that is aimed at inspiring and empowering people with information on education and health and to connect them to new opportunities.

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What we do

We strive for sustained and holistic growth in the area of education and health through our belief in the power of information. We’re guided by the core belief that equal and timely access to information can advance societies.

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The e-Hubs will function as a window to information pertaining to economic opportunities, civic engagement, education and health. The hubs will help to build capacity of communities to avail benefits of digital technology including a spectrum of online services.

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Empowering students with key skills to excel in their career and life. An initiative supported by Australia India Institute

DataLEADS Foundation in collaboration with Australia India Institute conducted a series of Master-classes for students in Delhi in 2020 to equip them with various skills needed beyond the classroom. The objective of the classes was to address the knowledge needs and skill gaps of students and provide them necessary expertise to empower them. While DataLEADS foundation is committed to work in the field of education in India, Australia India Institute is working to build programmes involving students, young people, early career researchers, and young entrepreneurs.

Our partners

Knowledge Partner


Admizzionz campuz- India’s award winning provider of career and college admission guidance and support.

Data Partner


Kruxd is your single window access to health data. Leveraging technology to bring data out of silos, Kruxd, empowers global public health.

e-Hub Jhunjhunu Partner


Radio Kamalvani- leading community radio station dedicated to promote the creative, cultural, and educational vitality of the unreached Shekhawati community